Blog Archives

How to Properly Set Up VirtualBox Host/Guest System with NFS

Usecase Since I always have to google for a good solution to configure a guest/host-system properly I will now just post the most usefull links. Solution Basic setup (creating VSI, installing Debian, configure network, setting up shares) Cloning correctly

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Posted in Debian, kubuntu, Linux, NFS, Ubuntu, VirtualBox

Merge VirtualBox Snapshots via Bash Script

Use case My backup script automatically creates daily snapshots of each VM images (for incremental backups). Thus I have a huge amount of snapshots after a while. Unfortunately the VirtualBox-UI does not provide a method of removing/mergin all snapshots at

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Posted in Ubuntu, VirtualBox

German Umlauts on US-Keyboard on (K)Ubuntu

Use case As a software developer I prefer using keyboards with US-layout. Mainly because special characters (like []{}\|<>) are more easy to write/reach – some even without a modifier. But, for email and stuff, I still rely on German Umlauts.

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Posted in kubuntu, Linux, Ubuntu

Lenovo T530, Kubuntu 12.10, NVIDIA Optimus, External Monitors

April 16, 2013 Just a couple of days after I wrote this post NVIDIA released a new version of its driver that is optimized for the Optimus technology. See for further information. Use case I bought a new Lenovo Thinkpad

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Posted in kubuntu, Lenovo, Linux, NVIDIA, Ubuntu

IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 Slow Performance While Typing

Use case Since I updated to the 10.5 version of the IDEA IntelliJ IDE I encountered various performance issues, in particular while typing code. Sometimes I had to wait like one second to see my changes in the editor. That

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Posted in Grails, IntelliJ, Ubuntu

Kubuntu: Disable Package-Kit Dist-Upgrade Notification

Use case After spending how many days of configuration and adjustments I have an almost flawless desktop environment running on my Kubuntu Maverick system. Sound, dual monitor, desktop effects.. everything works like a charm. So the last thing whats in

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Posted in kubuntu, Linux, Ubuntu

Solving Ubuntu Hibernate/Sleep Performance Issues

Use case On my (K)Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick  I had the problem, that everytime when I choose to suspend (hibernate or sleep) my system, i had to wait almost 5 minutes for using my system again after a reboot. During the reboot

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Posted in Linux, Ubuntu