Use case Since the Java installation handling changed during the last Ubuntu releases (due to Oracle’s politics) most parts of my old post are out of date now. Solution I found a great instruction about how to install Oracle’s Java…
Use case Since the Java installation handling changed during the last Ubuntu releases (due to Oracle’s politics) most parts of my old post are out of date now. Solution I found a great instruction about how to install Oracle’s Java…
Use case While working on an android app that retrieves it’s data from a PHP-API I needed to build a both-sided en- and decryption layer to secure the requests and responses properly. I decided to use an AES encryption with…
Use case Developing with IntelliJ and Grails sometimes leads to memory problems, particularly considering the PermGen space – even with plenty of RAM. This issue occures especially after re-deploying several times while debugging. Incident This is more a flaw with Tomcat itself,…
Use case Grails: “General error during class generation: java.lang.reflect. MalformedParameterizedTypeException” Cripes.. how many hours this took me to find the issues behind this error message. So now that I figured it out I’d better share this to others for less…
Use case Even though a service should be stateless and application-/context-independent, I needed to access the current controller and action from inside a service class. Namely I have a URL-Service, which provides various kinds of dynamic URL methods. One of…
Use case This brief step-by-step guide tries to explain how to install Tomcat with Apache and mod_jk on an Ubuntu 10.10 system considering following components Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP 5, PhpMyAdmin, Sun Java JDK 1.6, Tomcat 6.0, Tomcat-Admin, mod_jk…